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Standardization as a Compliance Advantage for Healthcare Facilities


You’re familiar with standardization as an efficiency tactic, but a compliance advantage? In reality, the documented impact of large-scale standardization on regulatory compliance can be dramatic.

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Countering issue blindness and staying ahead of the curve in facilities regulatory compliance


It’s tough enough to keep your facilities survey-ready, but even more so when regulators implement changes and you’re scrambling to adjust before you’re hit with a survey finding. With regulatory requirements, you’re either behind the gun or ahead of the curve - there’s really no in-between. 

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Policy Check: Don't forget about the little guys


In September of 2016 the Federal Register posted the final rule on Emergency Preparedness Requirements for Medicare and Medicaid Participating Providers and Suppliers. The regulation went into effect in November of 2016 and healthcare providers and suppliers falling under this new rule were required to comply by implementing regulations by November of 2017.  

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Looking through the frosted glass


Imagine for a minute, that you aren’t an executive in a healthcare organization.  Your child was just admitted to the local hospital with severe breathing problems.  The doctors and nurses have been in and out of that hospital room many times, running tests, hooking up IVs and checking oxygen levels.  The feeling of helplessness has overcome you, because naturally all parents just want their children to be healthy and happy, no matter what their age is.   

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6 Steps for a Patient-Focused Active Shooter Plan


Not long ago, a cardiologist was shot at a hospital in Massillon, Ohio, by a gunman who then took his own life. It was one of three active shooter incidents reported by news media in the span of one week. No longer under the delusion that “this type of violence would never happen at our facility,” hospital leaders are increasingly anxious to establish or upgrade their active shooter plan — as they should.

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How to Prepare for Infectious & Contagious Diseases


An infectious disease is a disorder caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. A contagious disease is an infectious disease communicable by contact with one who has it.  Below you will find need-to-know information for an influenza, West Nile, Zika or other infectious disease outbreaks within a healthcare environment. 

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Transforming Raw Data into Actionable Information for Efficient Healthcare Facilities


Much of the groundwork for maintaining and delivering successful value-added services begins with technology. From the C-Suite all the way down to the techs onsite, healthcare organizations are deeply reliant on data and technology. However, technology is only as good as the people who leverage it, so is it a powerful asset or a great hindrance for facilities management operations? 

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6 Considerations for Healthcare Facilities in Wildfire-Struck Communities


Nearly a month after the Thomas Fire started, California families and businesses remain on edge as the wind-whipped fires and smoke consume their communities. Already, the fires have destroyed at least 1,024 structures and damaged 250 more, reported CBS. "We are still on guard," fire information officer Rudy Evenson told CBS. "It's been a very unpredictable fire and we just don't know what these winds are going to do." 

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2017: A Year in Review with Medxcel FM


2017 marked another incredible year for Medxcel Facilities Management, full of amazing achievements and successes. Although this is not an exhaustive list, we thought we would share the highlights with you.

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Improving Environment of Care Compliance, Patient Safety & Satisfaction


One of the most asked questions of hospital leaders is “How can our hospital avoid getting requirements for improvement (RFIs)?” Mark Pelletier, The Joint Commission’s Chief Operating Officer for Accreditation and Certification Operations, had a simple answer in an article he wrote: “Take a good look at your environment of care and life safety areas.” Although the regulatory landscape has shifted significantly since Pelletier wrote those words back in 2014, environment of care and life safety remain the heaviest cited areas during a survey to this day.  

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When Contracts Hurt: Considering Two Workforce Scenarios for Healthcare Facilities


As the healthcare terrain shifts, a growing number of healthcare facilities are learning that replacing full-time employees with external service contracts is a great way to amass needless expenses and inefficiencies in the long run — even if the short-term savings look great on their balance sheet. 

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3 Budget Pitfalls in Healthcare Facilities


With each passing year, profitability becomes harder to achieve for healthcare facilities. After all, patient care, safety and satisfaction all take money — lots of it. Regrettably, common cost-cutting tactics end up costing healthcare facilities far more down the road in dollars, inefficiencies, and quality slip-ups.  
In this article, we highlight three perceived “savings” that will come back to bite you.

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What’s New (or False) About the Flu: Doing Your Part for a Safe Healing Environment


Given your role in providing a safe healing environment for patients, it’s important to clear up what’s new and what’s downright false about the flu, so you and your team don’t unknowingly put patients (and each other) at risk for a nasty bout of the illness. 

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Regulatory Changes: 3 Frequent Survey Findings


As regulations change, one way to help ensure a successful survey is paying attention to findings at other facilities — particularly those in your region. If other hospitals are getting “dinged” for a particular deficiency, it’s only smart to preemptively address those same issues in your own hospital before a surveyor walks through your doors.

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3 Steps for a High-ROI Human Capital Strategy


Think the skills gap is bad now?
Older workers are retiring in droves, at the tune of 10,000 each day, driving what one media outlet dubbed the “Baby Boomer Retirement Crisis.” Many of your facilities workers are poised to join that number, taking their skills and organizational knowledge with them. That’s not even counting the workforce damage healthcare facilities have suffered from downsizing, siloed functions, and fragmented recruiting. 

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How to botch your succession plan: 3 mistakes that will cost you


Planning for tomorrow’s workforce tends to hang low in the list of emergencies, distractions and to-do’s fighting for your attention each day. But have you contemplated your facilities management workforce lately? Chances are many of your employees are nearing retirement, eyeing a new job, or lacking the skills you’ll need in a not-so-distant future. 

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Gaps, Prep Essentials for the Next Infectious Disease Outbreak


Healthcare facilities around the world are woefully unprepared for the next infectious disease outbreak, concluded a recent report published by the British Medical Journal. Here in the U.S., inadequacies in managing outbreaks were plain to see in past responses. 

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The Joint Commission: Top 6 Failures Contributing to Violence in Healthcare Settings


Violence in healthcare settings is underreported and growing, warns The Joint Commission (TJC).
With that in mind, TJC recently updated an alert first issued in 2010, highlighting top six “contributing causal factors,” or failures by healthcare facilities that contributed to violent incidents in recent years.  

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Severe Weather Preparedness: 4 Foundational Components


Approximately 98% of presidentially declared disasters are weather related, leading to approximately 500 deaths and $15 billion in damages annually. When disaster strikes a community, the healthcare facility is a crucial asset in the response and recovery of the community.  

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Connecting the Dots Between Value and Metrics


We often think of metrics as straight-forward, devoid of ambivalence, bias or misinterpretation, but you know better: Data can take on new meanings depending on how it’s presented, or by whom.

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