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Integrating Real Estate with Healthcare Facilities Management


Real estate may not be a typical service in integrate facilities management, but it is an important aspect of maintaining and growing physical healthcare spaces. There should be a level of collaboration between real estate, construction and emergency management departments. During the COVID-19 pandemic, real estate has been an essential part of facilities management as space needed to be identified and secured for the influx of patients quickly and efficiently. Our Real Estate team at Medxcel is a recent addition that has streamlined this process and allowed for our facilities to successfully care for surges of patients during the crisis.

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Managing Construction Projects Amidst a Pandemic


COVID-19 presented unprecedented containment issues to the physical spaces of our facilities. In order to create solutions, our unified planning, design and construction (PDC) team and digital platform provided the tools, strategies and support needed to maintain a functional healing environment for patients.

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Balancing Full-Time Employees and Contractors During a Crisis


Finding the right balance of full-time employees (FTEs) and contractors can be a challenge for any healthcare facility, especially since each healthcare facility has different needs.  Read more to see how our experts strike that perfect balance.  

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Medxcel Celebrates Healthcare Heroes Working on the Front Lines to Battle COVID-19


Here at Medxcel, we want to showcase our gratitude for all of the front line workers that have been putting their lives at risk to combat COVID-19. Not only do we want to recognize all of the doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals treating patients daily, but also all of the emergency management, facilities and construction teams that keep hospitals up and running 24/7. We have teams across the country doing their part to provide resources in their local communities and prevent the spread of the virus. During this time, we are continuing to celebrate our successes as we create solutions to face this unprecedented disruption to daily life.   

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CMS Relaxes Safety Regulations


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has recently relaxed safety rules to reduce regulatory burdens on healthcare providers during this crisis. These changes involve more flexibility, such as what is considered a hospital bed, how closely some medical professionals are monitored and the types of health care that can be delivered at home. These relaxed regulations also allow for non-medical facilities, such as gymnasiums or hotels, to be used by hospitals if needed without the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) being involved. CMS notes in a press release that these are “historic and unprecedented steps to equip the American healthcare system with maximum flexibility to respond to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.”

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3 Misconceptions about Healthcare Construction Management


Hospitals are working around the clock to provide quality care to patients and stable support for staff. It is important that healthcare construction takes that into account. With the volume of people walking through the halls of healthcare facilities daily, it’s crucial the space is always safe and functional.
There’s a lot of moving parts that go into the operation of any healthcare facility. Not only is it crucial that staff such as doctors, nurses and receptionists work together, it’s also important that the systems keeping the place up and running are functional. If computers, HVAC systems, MRI and X-ray machines, and much more aren’t working properly, the whole hospital could be affected.

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Ensuring Patient Safety Year-Round


Here at Medxcel, we pride ourselves in maintaining a safe environment for all of our patients, visitors and staff. We work to continuously prioritize patient safety each and every day of the year. While safety is always top of mind, the World Health Organization states that an estimated 134 million adverse events occur every year due to unsafe care in low- and mid-income countries. In high-income countries, such as the United States, it is estimated that 1 in 10 patients are harmed while receiving hospital care. Of these, nearly 50% are considered preventable.

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How to Prepare for a Pandemic and Other Infectious Disease Threats


With coronavirus dominating the headlines, it’s easy to forget that there are still many other infectious diseases affecting the lives of people today. Whether it’s a disease as new as the coronavirus or as common as the flu, it’s more crucial than ever that facility managers are prepared for anything. It’s not a question of whether an epidemic will occur or not, but when it will strike. Hospitals around the world must plan for every kind of possible outbreak, before it’s too late.

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4 Ways Contract Work is Hurting your ROI


The new calendar year brings about exciting advancements and changes within the healthcare industry. With these changes come new regulations and other cost-consuming factors, and a new challenge arises: How do you reduce costs while improving patient satisfaction, increasing rate of efficiency, and continuing to boost revenue year after year?

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CMS Updates Their Star Ratings


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently refreshed their Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings. These ratings are on a five-star scale through Hospital Compare, a website that informs patients on how well hospitals are providing care in compliance with CMS. This allows patients to be informed when they are making decisions related to their healthcare.

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3 Key Steps to Educating Healthcare Facility Staff


Maintaining regulatory compliance during the onboarding process for new employees can be a challenge, especially when procedures have been changed and staff is accustomed to doing processes a specific way. The pace or timing of changes can create confusion in the organization.

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4 Tips for Designing a Pediatric Healthcare Unit


Children do much better in a pediatric unit created specifically for them – and when children do better, so do their families. Pediatric units are different than any other unit in your healthcare facility. After all, the tiny patients in these spaces not only require special care, but they require special design choices, too.

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The Importance of a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)


When you step into a hospital, whether to start a workday, undergo a procedure, or visit a friend who is recovering, you may not think about all of the moving parts that keep a facility up and running. (Unless of course you’re the facilities manager!) Hospitals serve thousands of patients and visitors, control hundreds of different machines and continually support employees all day, every day. This means a facility’s infrastructure, maintenance machines and computer systems work overtime to accommodate necessary functionality.

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Planning, Design & Construction: Three Services to Standardize Your Healthcare Facility


As of March 2019, there was approximately $400 million invested in simultaneous, ongoing healthcare remodeling projects. How do these healthcare facilities ensure their money is being put to good use? It comes down to three services – planning, design and construction – that lead the transformation of healthcare facilities from good to great.

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Eight Practices For Faster Crisis Resolution in Healthcare Environments


Disasters can happen at any time. Severe storms, active shooters, disease outbreaks and other events are not as rare as they once may have seemed. When one of these incidents occurs at or near your healthcare facility, how do you respond? Being prepared for an emergency is vital for the functionality of healthcare facilities and their ability to serve patients when disaster strikes.

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10 ways to reduce and prevent workplace violence


In 2014, a 68-year-old patient pulled a bar from the side of his hospital bed and attacked a team of nurses at a Minnesota hospital. In 2018, a hospital shooting in Chicago — which left two innocent healthcare workers and a law enforcement officer dead — made national headlines and heightened healthcare leaders’ concerns about violence in the healing environment.

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Telehealth and Facilities Management


The practice of doctors making house calls to see patients in their own homes was popular back in the 1930s and 40s. In fact, house calls accounted for 40% of U.S. doctors’ visits at the time. Medical professionals would arrive at a patient’s home at a moment’s notice, bringing with them all the tools they needed to provide the best care (the “best care” for the 40s, that is). As house calls have become virtually nonexistent today, who would have thought they’d make a virtual comeback?

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What a 5-star rating from CMS means for your patients and your facilities teams


Each year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) update Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings on a five-star scale through Hospital Compare. Hospital Compare is a website for healthcare consumers that provides information on how well hospitals provide recommended care to their patients, allowing consumers to make more informed decisions about where to go for their healthcare needs.

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Building automation systems do more to help hospitals work smarter, not harder


Hospitals are complex environments with many active systems. One of the least understood - and one of the most expensive - is the building automation system (BAS). As technology continues to advance, we are seeing more systems become integrated into the building automation system, such as fire alarms, power monitoring, lighting control and security. The benefits from a well-programmed BAS ensure operational performance, which can reduce energy costs and keep patients, visitors and staff comfortable.

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Want to improve the patient experience? Start with employee engagement.


Defined as employees who are “involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace,” employee engagement is an integral part of everything that happens in and around a healthcare facility. If that description doesn’t sound like the employees in your facility, you might have some employees who are disengaged.

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