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Be prepared: Healthcare facility readiness for public surveys


In May 2016, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced it would be making all survey results from accrediting organizations, such as The Joint Commission (TJC), public. This unprecedented decision redefined the healthcare landscape – empowering healthcare consumers to make a more informed decision on where to receive care.

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Top Executive Concerns in 2019: Mergers and Regulations


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Top Executive Concerns in 2019: Mergers and Regulations


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How to Leave a Smaller Energy Footprint in an Era Concerned about Climate Change


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How Hospitals can Mitigate Vendor Risks to Combat Non-Compliance Requirements


All hospitals strive to establish and maintain a safe, functional environment, but 100% compliance is not as easy as it seems. Having an environment that provides the best possible care to patients is a common goal for caregivers and executives alike. However,  many hospitals surveyed by the Joint Commission in 2018 were non-compliant with this requirement.

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Wake up and smell the roses: why landscaping is important for your business


We don’t usually think of hospitals and making a sale going together; however, the curb appeal is usually the first impression the community receives. 

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Opioid abuse and workplace violence: Is there a correlation?


Workplace violence, including physical assaults and threats of assault toward people at work or on duty, is a growing issue within the healthcare setting. 

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3 tips for combatting healthcare staffing shortages


The gap in the skills trade industry continues to widen as baby boomers age out of the workforce and future generations take their place. With staffing shortages on the horizon, what can healthcare facilities do to retain their staff?

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Patients Over Paperwork: 3 Ways to Utilize CMS’s Reduced Burdens


Less red tape means less paperwork, and more time for everything else. How can healthcare facilities take advantage of CMS’s reduced burdens?

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The Importance of Compliance Assessments Before and During New Construction


Healthcare providers have to consistently keep up with new rules, regulations and advisories in their practices. 

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Suicide Risk: Ligature & New TJC Safety Goal


The holidays are over, so we’re settling into the winter doldrums before spring returns. While some may think we’re moving away from the season where suicides are prevalent, suicide rates actually peak in springtime, rather than winter. According to Neel Burton, M.D., “This is probably because the rebirth that marks springtime accentuates feelings of hopelessness in those already suffering with it.”

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4 methods to protect healthcare organizations and staff against workplace violence


Workplace violence. For healthcare workers, it can be as simple as a patient grabbing a nurse or an associate being bullied by co-workers. Unfortunately, it can also be as grave as a deadly assault. No matter the severity, it’s vital that healthcare organizations find effective measures to eliminate violence and protect their workforce.

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Holiday Hazards: Eight Practices for Faster Holiday-Related Crisis Resolution in Healthcare


The holidays are supposed to be a time of joyous celebration with family, friends and loved ones. However, no amount of holiday cheer can prepare your facility for the amount of crises that can arise during the season.

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Medxcel Awarded "Elite 8" Designation from Achievers' 50 Most Engaged Workplaces


It’s an honor for Medxcel to be recognized for our corporate culture, and we are proud to have been recognized as one of the nation’s most engaged workplaces through the Achievers 50 Most Engaged Workplaces™ in North America award for the third year in a row.

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3 tips for minimizing regulatory overload


Federal legislation is implemented to ensure superior, safe and reliable patient care. However, for many healthcare organizations, new regulation can feel more like a headache than anything else. More recently, everyone from clinical staff members to facilities managers have seen an increased amount of time spent on regulatory compliance.

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Avoiding CEOs’ biggest fears: Aging workforce and succession planning


Becker’s Hospital Review reported in 2017 that developing the next generation of leaders who have the skills to remake the business is one of the leading concerns among 555 surveyed CEOs. The top worry? Their ability to retain and attract premier talent for the succession.

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Medxcel named one of the nation's most engaged workplaces for third consecutive year


This prestigious award identifies top employers that display superior leadership and innovation in engaging their workplaces and employees.

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Value formula for high-performing healthcare facilities


Healthcare leaders are often tasked with seeking new ways to do, earn and serve more to sustain and improve performance-related business outcomes. In the hospital setting, it’s easy to first think of the patient audience and healing environment; however, without a highly engaged workforce, the healing environment suffers.

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Three Days, Three Presentations: The 56th ASHE Annual Conference


Each summer, Medxcel executives look forward to participating in the ASHE Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition. This year they travelled to Seattle to attend the 56th annual conference July 14-17. This conference, held by The American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE), gives major healthcare facility management and engineering professionals a platform to brainstorm, share ideas, and network. Not only did Medxcel executives attend the ASHE Annual Conference, they gave two presentations and participated in an expert panel regarding the optimization of healthcare facilities’ physical environments. Learn more about their three presentations below.

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Weathering the storm: 4 key components of disaster preparedness


During last year’s catastrophic hurricane season, it wasn’t luck that kept many coastal hospitals functional: it was preparation. However, while some hospitals could continue to provide adequate medical care through the destruction, others weren’t able to overcome the delayed or interrupted medical care.

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